Dr. Florencia Cerutti, is a marine scientist with 15 years of experience studying elasmobranchs and marine ecosystems. She started her career in México in 2002 studying elasmobranchs biology from fisheries landings and did a PhD using spatial ecology, genetic barcoding, and risk assessment of tropical batoids in Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Florencia worked on shark and ray research and conservation in various countries such as Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, and Ecuador. Her primary research interest is to produce key information to guide management and conservation for shark and ray populations using multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches.
She has also worked with the development of improvement tools for fisheries, capacity building, fisheries’ bycatch mitigation strategies and a variety of stakeholders. She is currently working on an international assessment of climate change impacts on chondrichthyans, an assessment of the Atlantic’s fisheries measures for blue shark to produce concerted actions for the CMS, and various shark and ray ecology projects in the eastern tropical Pacific and Caribbean regions. A list of publications and reports can be found in her online profiles ORCID, ResearchGate, and personal webpage.

Blue Shark Policy Researcher